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Art & Photography  
Art & Photography programme  


This year the Fair will host the most important international contest of wildlife photography "wildlife Photographer of the Year 2004" in Sala dei Fuochi in Manifattura dei Marinati, Via Mazzini 200.

On April 28th 2005 at 1,00 p.m. inauguration of the exhibition “Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2004” in the Sala dei Fuochi at Manifattura dei Marinati, via Mazzini 200 - Comacchio.

The exhibition is open every day from April 28th (from 1,00 p.m.) to May 1st 2005 from 10,00 a.m. to 11,00 p.m. The exhibition will be in Comacchio until May 28th.

90 works of art by the best wildlife photographers to depict nature and its gifts through the experienced eyes of professional photographers.

The Fair will also host some photography and painting exhibitions, including the collective exhibition of the works of local professional photographers, the exhibition The Wings of Love, organised by the Municipal Museum of Natural History of Ferrara, with works by Maurizio Bonora, the Exhibition on the anti-poaching activities of the National Corps of Foresters, and Hans Larsson’s personal exhibition.

Every day the programme offers workshops of wildlife photography in the field, theoretical wildlife photography workshops, screening of photographs in dissolvence.

The Manifattura dei Marinati….
Since October 30th 2004 the Manifattura dei Marinati hosts the new Visitors Centre Of the Po Delta Park. The Manifattura is a symbol of the City of Comacchio and its citizens. The old premises, now completely restored, is where local fishermen used to marinate eel following the traditional recipe. Now this activity has been resumed, although it is limited to a certain period of the year, and a limited quantity of eel is roasted and marinated inside the premises of the Manifattura.
The old production cycle has been resumed; eel is roasted on the spit in one of the twelve old fireplaces in the Sala dei Fuochi – literally Room of the Fires, a big hall with an imposing wooden ceiling. Before the entrance and near the Sala Fuochi visitors can see the traditional materials and tools used by the fishermen of the lagoon, as well as their boats – 50 old fishing boats marotte and other traditional boats have been recovered. The Manifattura now hosts the Laboratorio del Presidio Slow Food of marinated eel of the lagoon of Comacchio. During the year the Sala Fuochi hosts other exhibitions and public events. From April 28th to May 28th it will host the exhibition Wildlife Photographer of the Year.

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