Friday April 28th 2006
10,30 am
Press Conference to introduce the International Po Delta Birdwatching Fair 2006.
Conference hall, Pav. A.
3,30 –5,30 p.m.
Reconcile conflicts between large vertebrate conservation and the use of biological resources: fisheries and fish-eating vertebrates as a model case. Final seminar FRAP project - V Framework Programme on Research, Development and Technology
Manifattura dei Marinati hall, Corso Mazzini 200
3,30 – 4,30 p.m.
Monitoring and management of wildlife heritage: the situation in Italy. Convention organised in cooperation with Legambiente. Presentation of the volume “Report 2005 –The Management of fauna in Italy”.
Sala Polivalente, Palazzo Bellini
3,30 –5,30 p.m.
A new horizon in Emilia-Romagna: responsible tourism. Theme meeting.
Convention hall, Pav. A.