Saturday April 29th 2006
9,30 – 12,15 a.m.
Birdwatching Travel Trade, offer-demand trade workshop for tourism operators
Convention hall, Pav. A.
10,00 a.m.– 6,30 p.m.
Biodiversity is life. Countdown 2010: the safeguard of biodiversity in the wet areas. Technical-scientific convention organised by the Po Delta Park Emilia-Romagna
Sala Polivalente, Palazzo Bellini
12,30 a.m.– 1,30 p.m.
Sustainable Tourism: facts, not only words –Concrete actions in the Po Delta Park and in Europe. Press Conference organised by Legambiente Turismo
Convention hall, Pav. A.
3,30 –4,30 p.m.
Prize awarding of the Birdgardening Contest by DELTA 2000 & LIPU
Convention hall, Pav. A.
3,30 –7,30 p.m.
Francesco Patrizi from Kerso (1529-1597) study-day in cooperation with the Renaissance Study Centre and Ferrara University
Auditorium of the civic Library, “L.A. Muratori”, Palazzo Bellini