Birds from all over the world will be the indisputable protagonists of the videos, presented in a sequence of rare, special, gorgeous, unusual, technically perfect or simply entertaining images, talking about the way nature is a constant surprise.
Thanks to the new technologies, the pleasure of taking pictures of single instants in life, has more and more become a passion not only for those working in this field, but also for people keen on nature who want to admire the wildfowl through fields and lagoons and often practice this interesting activity by proposing images indisputably worthy from a scientific point of view, sometimes witnessing an unusual attitude of rare beauty.
In occasion of the International Po Delta Birdwatching Fair, Ravenna will thus be home to the First International Festival of Ornithological Reportage carried out in collaboration with the naturalist Francesco Petretti from Geo &Geo. The public selection and projection of the submitted videos winning the first prizes, will in fact take place in Ravenna, with schools of any level.
The first category will be reserved to the professionals, the second to the shots about the birds living in their natural habitat in Italy, the third to the short, that is a very short sequence of images taking 5 to 6 seconds. Rich and interesting prizes will be provided by the exhibiting companies taking part in the International Po Delta Birdwatching and Nature Tourism Fair.
And it will be right in occasion of the Fair that the evening of the awards will take place. In the evening of Saturday 29th April 2006, at the Sala Polivalente of Palazzo Bellini, Comacchio, the jury, made up with ornithologists, reporters, naturalists and people from the TV, will be introducing the “Ornithological” Oscar.
The shots allowed to the Festival can be originally taken on video or film but then they will have to be submitted in the DVD version, with a duration of 55’ at the most. They can also be filmed either in Italy or abroad, have to represent uniquely birds in their natural habitat and have to be accompanied by a brief synopsis as well as by a technical form.
Click here to seee the International Festval of Ornithological Reportage 2006 awards