Workshop Bird T.T.
Art & photography
Environmental education
Field trips & Slow events
Sport & events
Comacchio by night

News 2007
Special Slow Tourism
Adriatic Park Exhibition

Accommodation & Info
General information
How to get to the fair

Birdwatching Friends
Birdcard Circuit
Where to stay in the Po Delta
Special programme for families
Customize your trip
Birdwatching all the year
Other events




























Programme > Field trips & Slow events

Free guided excursions by bus

Meeting in Comacchio - Fairground, bus stop area, via Marina
Please reach the Info Point at the latest 15 minutes before the booked departure and show the Birdcard

Destinations departures
Valli di Comacchio
10.00 am; 2.00 pm, 4.00 pm
Valle Mandriole and Punte Alberete 10.00 am, 2.30 pm
Boschi di Mesola and Sacca di Goro 10.00 am
Argine Reno, Percorso Natura, Museo Ornitologico NatuRA in Sant’Alberto 10.00 am
Ortazzo, Pineta di Classe and Cervia Saltworks 10.00 am
Vallette di Ostellato and Museo del Territorio 10.00 am


100 species in a day one whole day excursion for expert birdwatchers in cooperation with Ardeola Birding Association – no booking needed
6.00 am departure from Comacchio - Fairground, bus stop area, via Marina

Cycle ride in the heart of Delta Park– 3rd edition.
Whole day. Meeting for bicycle lovers: Alfonsine, Sant’Alberto, Conselice, Argenta. Stop in Valle Zavelea, where participants will birdwatch with the help of an expert environmental guide.
8.30 am from Conselice and Argenta, 9.00 am departure from Alfonsine and 9.30 am departure from Sant’Alberto – no booking needed

Birds: Watching and Listening, free excursion by EBN and SheSound
10.00 am meeting at the stand EBN, Exhibition village; departure with own vehicles – booking needed

Taste the Nature – Mesola and Boscone visit to the Fair of the Asparagus and night excursion in Bosco della Mesola where it is possible to watch and listen to nocturnal birds of prey – free
6.00 pm departure from Comacchio - Fairground, bus stop area, via Marina

Sailing under the moonlight night excursion with dinner on board – against payment
8.00 pm departure from Comacchio, Argine Fattibello and visit of the Delta.

Dedicated to Enogastronomy:
“Watch the Mark – the Road of Fish” Stands and free tasting of fresh fish from the Adriatic Sea
all days at 5.00 pm in the Piazzetta of the Exhibition village, plus an exclusive evening on 29th April in Manifattura dei Marinati (with invitation)

Excursions against payment – special discounts for Birdcard owners

Please give the sum (promotional price) directly to the operator.

On the Waves of the Delta– With the boat in the Po Delta: excursions with motorboats, where if you want you can enjoy a typical lunch, or with small boats, perfect for birdwatching.
Departures from Gorino harbour, with visits to Sacca di Goro; from Comacchio, with visits to Po Delta and Sacca di Goro; from Marina Romea (RA), with visits to Pialassa della Baiona.

Riding through the Delta – excursions with carriages and horses for beginners and experts
Excursions on horses Delta-Camargue between Pomposa Abbey and Valle Bertuzzi

The Sounds of the Night – night excursions in the pinewoods of Ravenna, dedicated to listening to birds of prey









Exhibitors Area
How to partecipate
Exhibitors list

Press Area
Press conferences
Press releases
Press cuttings
Press application form

Useful numbers & services
Fair Edition 2006
Fair Edition 2005

























DELTA 2000 Soc Cons. a r.l.
Strada Luigia 8 - 44020
San Giovanni d'Ostellato
(FE) Italy
Tel. +39 0533 57693-57694
Fax +39 0533 57674

Exhibitors office

BF Servizi S.r.l.
BolognaFiere Group
Via Maserati 18
40128 Bologna Italy
Tel.+39 051 282811
Fax +39 051 282810

DELTA 2000 Soc. Cons. a r.l. STRADA LUIGIA, 8 - 44020 S. GIOVANNI DI OSTELLATO (FE) - ITALY 
Tel. +39 0533 57693-4 Fax +39 0533 57674 C.F. e P. IVA 01358060380