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Programme > Timetable

30th APRIL 2007

9.00 am – 12.00 pm         
Field workshop of naturalistic photography
with photographers Luciano Piazza and Roberto Zaffi
departure with own vehicles to Vallette di Ostellato

10.00 am – 12.00 pm
Towards an open zoo: “natural” damp areas and “artificial” water birds
by Nicola Baccetti – Centro Ornitologico Toscano
“Sala Polivalente”, Palazzo Bellini

10.00 am – 12.00 pm
Towards a quality tourism
workshop by Legambiente
Central Arena, Exhibition Village

10.00 am – 1.00 pm
Theoretic workshop of naturalistic photography
with photographers Milko Marchetti and Sergio Stignani
Workshop room, Palazzo Bellini

10.00 am – 12.00 pm
Living all together. Sea birds of Northern Europe
slideshow by Luca Longo and Giuseppe Brillante
Lecture room, Exhibition village

12.00 pm – 1.00 pm
LIPU Sparrow project: problems of a declining species
by Marco Gustin, Responsible for the Sector “Specie e Ricerca” LIPU
Lecture room, Exhibition village

12.00 pm – 13,30    
Natural photojournalism. Meeting among photographers and journalists
by Marco Ferrari, Geo
Central Arena, Exhibition Village

2.00 pm – 2.30 pm
Locarno-Milan-Venice, Travelling on NAVIGLI makes a stop in Birdwatching Fair
by the Associazione Amici dei Navigli and the Associazione Motonautica Venezia
Central Arena, Exhibition Village

2.00 pm – 4.00 pm
The first twelve months of naturalistic images among rice fields and Valli di Comacchio
slideshow by photographer Marco Scarpini
Lecture room, Exhibition village

2.30 pm – 4.30 pm
Come on board. Talk & Slide Show from the Lake Maggiore to the Adriatic Sea
with Cino Ricci – project “Vie d’Acqua del Nord Italia”
Central Arena, Exhibition Village

2.30 pm – 5.00 pm
Photographic walk
with photographers Silvano Foschini and Guerrino Gori
departure from Comacchio – Fiera, bus stop area, via Marina to Valle Mandriole and Punte Alberete

4.00 pm – 5.00 pm
New and innovative, the reopening of Museo delle Valli di Argenta
by the Council of Argenta and Ecomuseo
Lecture room, Exhibition village

4.30 pm – 5.30 pm
Bologna is a sea town: as we have just demonstrated
by Pier Luigi Bottino, Council of Bologna, and Andrea Dal Cero, Publisher
Central Arena, Exhibition Village

5.00 pm
Watch the mark – the road of fish
free tasting of fresh fish from the Adriatic sea
Piazzetta in the Exhibition village

5.30 pm – 6.30 pm
Waterways: a slow use of parks and oases
(NAP project)– by the Association Mediante
Central Arena, Exhibition Village

6.00 pm
Award ceremony for the IV edition of the national contest of naturalistic photography Delta in focus 2007
“Sala Polivalente”, Palazzo Bellini

7.30 pm
Musical Cocktail, concert of the students of the Academy of Music “Giuseppe Verdi” in Ravenna
Loggia dei Mercanti, historic centre of Comacchio

7.30 pm
Cartoon show
Piazzetta Trepponti near the Antica Pescheria, Comacchio

9.00 pm
Let them go
digital videoshow by Luciano Piazza
Love Handbook
digital videoshow by Roberto Zaffi
Birdwatching in the Delta Park
digital videoshow by Roberto Sauli
Piazzetta Trepponti near the Antica Pescheria, Comacchio










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DELTA 2000 Soc Cons. a r.l.
Strada Luigia 8 - 44020
San Giovanni d'Ostellato
(FE) Italy
Tel. +39 0533 57693-57694
Fax +39 0533 57674

Exhibitors office

BF Servizi S.r.l.
BolognaFiere Group
Via Maserati 18
40128 Bologna Italy
Tel.+39 051 282811
Fax +39 051 282810

DELTA 2000 Soc. Cons. a r.l. STRADA LUIGIA, 8 - 44020 S. GIOVANNI DI OSTELLATO (FE) - ITALY 
Tel. +39 0533 57693-4 Fax +39 0533 57674 C.F. e P. IVA 01358060380