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Programme » Art & Photography  

Art & Photography  

Screening of photographic images in dissolve

The screening shows give you the opportunity to admire beautiful images, accompanied by music or an off-screen voice, which depict the secret life of the Po Delta territory, magical things happening right in front of us that can only be captured by the expert eye of wildlife photographers.

The shows will take place in the Sala Audiovisivi of the Manifattura dei Marinati, via Mazzini 200 Comacchio with the following programme:

Thursday April 28th
6 p.m. Conoscere la Natura per Amarla, Proteggerla e Conservarla – Getting to know nature to love, protect and safeguard it, by Guerrino Gori
9 p.m. Alla scoperta dell’oasi – Discover the oasis, by Sergio Stignani

Friday April 29th
9 p.m. Palude trionfo di vita – Marshes: where life thrives, by Roberto Zaffi and Luciano Piazza

Saturday April 30th
6 p.m. Ali nel Delta – Wings of the Delta, by Roberto Sauli
9 p.m. Attimi di Delta. La vita della natura nell’arco delle quattro stagioni – Moments in the Delta. Life through the four seasons, by MilkoMarchetti

Sunday May 1st
2,30 p.m. Un batter d’ali – Wingflap, by Maurizio Bonora – Conference Hall, Pav.A


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