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Special Cervia, the city-nature - How to arrive

Cervia is in Emilia-Romagna region, 20 km south from Ravenna, with a coast of 10 km characterized by a finest sand and low sea beds, where localities of Cervia, Milano Marittima, Pinarella and Tagliata face.

Download the map of the city
For the detail of the itinerary please see the website

Coming by car

From North: 
A14 Bologna-Ancona highway
exits: Ravenna (Lidi Sud – Rimini directions), Cesena Nord, to take E 45 highway Ravenna direction, exit at Casemurate and go straight in Cervia S.S. 254 direction (km 16), Cesena, to take S.S. 71 bis Cervia direction (km 12).

From North East:
S.S. 309 Romea  until Ravenna, go straight with S.S. 16 Adriatica Lidi Sud direction.

From middle South: 
Superstrada E 45 exit Casemurate, go straight in Cervia direction.

From South: 
A14 Bari – Bologna highway exit Cesena, then take S.S. 71 bis Cervia direction (km 12).

Coming by pullman

There are many buses active during summer (June-September) coming from different Italian cities to reach our locality.

Info and timings

Coming by train

Cervia has a railway station: Cervia - Milano Marittima, linea Ferrara - Ravenna - Rimini.
Frequent links with Ravenna and Rimini allow to reach all the main Italian and European cities.

Railway station in 20 km: Cesena, Bologna – Ancona line.

All the information about train timetables at the telephone number of Trenitalia 892021 or at the website www.ferroviedellostato.it

Coming by airplane

The nearest airports of Bologna (km 90), Forlì (km30) and Rimini (km 30) are linked with the main Italian and European cities through line services and charter flights.