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Fair - Wine and Food

From 30th April to 2nd May

The Courtyard of Tastes: wine and food review of products characteristic of Po Delta, exhibition and sale of typical and traditional products, kitchen laboratories and themed menu proposed by the best chefs of restoration; school and kitchen lessons and… many other moments dedicated to the products of the territory.
Location: Bellini Palace courtyard, Via Agatopisto 7, Comacchio (FE).

At 12:00 p.m. “Sapor di Valle” (“Valley’s flavor”), tasting of fried anchovies.
Location: Manifattura dei Marinati Visit Centre, Corso G. Mazzini 200, Comacchio (FE).

At 7:00 p.m.  “Anguilla & Co” (“Eel & Co.”), tasting of marinated products of Po Delta Park.
Location: Manifattura dei Marinati Visit Centre, Corso G. Mazzini 200, Comacchio (FE).

see also:
> wine and food in all other oasis of Po Delta Park and neighbourhoods