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Fair - Naturalistic Documentary Festival

Movies, videos, animations, documentaries, also edited with soundtrack, with live/speaker comment and with effects or music, dedicated to Italian, world and Adriatic Parks nature.

Category A. Professional Productions: Works produced from independent filmmakers or from production societies that habitually develop the documentary activity in professional way. Duration: minimum 13 minutes; maximum 52 minutes.
Category B. Amateur Productions: Works produced from filmmakers or newcomers that develop the documentary activity primarily in the spare time and for fun. Duration: minimum 6 minutes; maximum 52 minutes.
Category C. Productions realized with videophone, webcam, photographic traps: Sequences, also not edited, realized with videophone, webcam, photographic traps of particolar interest for the content that they represent (extraordinary natural events, partiuclar animals behaviors, curiosities) and/or that film rare and/or hardly observed animal species. Duration: minimum 3 seconds; maximum 120 seconds.

Festival is dedicated to all people that, for passion, job or fun realize movies, videos, animations, documentaries: traders, single authors, independent directors (filmakers) or simple passionates from all the world, that realized personally or produced movies, videos, animations, documentaries in line with subjects and categories of the contest, can participate.

The participation to the contest is subordinated to the registration that must be effected compiling the participation form. The delivery of the participation forms, with the CD/DVD, according to the modalities of the Regulation, can happen through postal delivery or by hand to the following address: Naturalistic Documentary Festival Contest 2010 c/o Delta 2000 limited liability Consortium Company, Strada Luigia, 8 San Giovanni di Ostellato (FE) within and not over 15th April 2010.

Download Ragulation and Participation Form

Download Leaflet

Professional Productions category
1st classified: material and equipments for videomaking worth of € 400.00
2nd classified: week-end for 2 people in Po Delta Park worth of € 200.00 in b&b at AGRITURISMO PRATO POZZO
3rd classified: year's subscription to “OASIS” magazine

Amateur category
1st classified: material and equipments for video-making worth of € 400.00
2nd classified: week-end for 2 people in Po Delta Park worth of € 200.00 in b&b at HOTEL OASI CANNEVIE'
3rd classified: year's subscription to “OASIS” magazine

Short category
1st classified: material and equipments for video-making worth of € 400.00
2nd classified: week-end for 2 people in Po Delta Park worth of € 200.00 in b&b at VILLAGGIO NATURA VALLI DI OSTELLATO
3rd classified: year's subscription to “OASIS” magazine

Special prize Wet Lands: material and equipments for video-making worth of € 1.000.00 offered by Parco Natura Viva

Special prize Biodiversity: material and equipments for video-making worth of € 500.00 offered by LIPU

Special prize Adriatic Parks: week-end for 2 people in a park of N.A.P. net Network of Adriatic Parks (Emilia-Romagna Po Delta Park, Veneto Regional Po Delta Park, Gargano National Park, Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park, Foce dell’Isonzo Natural Reserve, Kozara National Park - BIH, Hutovo Blato National Park - BIH, Lokrum Natural Reserve - CRO, Cacak National Park, Butrinti National Park – AL); worth of € 200.00 in b&b

The ceremony of awarding will have place on Saturday 1st May 2010 at 6.30 p.m. at Sala Polivalente, Bellini’s Palace, Via Agatopisto 7, Comacchio (FE).

2nd May 2010 awarded works slide show at International Po Delta Birdwatching and Nature Tourism Fair pavilions – Valle Fattibello bank, Comacchio (FE).

you can also see:
> Photograpy Workshops
> Exhibitions
> Delta in Focus contest
> Digiscoping contest
> Naturalisic documentary Laboratory