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Fair Preview- 29th April


International conference “A birdwatching window” edited by Emilia-Romagna Po Delta Park.
Location: Bellini Palace, Via Agatopisto 7, Comacchio (FE).
Info: Emilia-Romagna Po Delta Park, Tel. +39 0533 314003

1st Italian Laboratory of the Naturalistic Documentary

At 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. 1st Italian Laboratory of the Naturalistic Documentary
Residential course, to learn the techniques of realization of documentaries and short movies on film, magnetic and digital with scientific, environmental and naturalistic subjects. The course is a laboratory of deepening dedicated to young and adult people, guided by the greatest professionals of the sector.(The course is foreseen on 29th April and 1st May). Free participation
Teachers: Antonio D’Onofrio, Maurizio Felli, Jost Geppert, Francesco Petretti
Location: Comacchio (FE)
Info: DELTA 2000, Tel. +39 0533 57693; deltaduemila@tin.it


Glanzlichter 2009 Exhibition International photography exhibition (From 15th April to 30th May)
Location: Manifattura dei Marinati Visit Centre, Corso G. Mazzini 200, Comacchio (FE).
Info: Tel. +39 0533 81742

At 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Show of the National Contest of Naturalistic Photography 2010 edited by ASFERICO. (until 30th May)
Location: Bellini Palace, Via Agatopisto 7, Comacchio (FE).
Info: DELTA 2000, TEL. +39 0533 57693, deltaduemila@tin.it

see also:
> exhibitions in all other oasis of Po Delta Park and neighbourhoods


At 7:00 a.m. Photographic excursion in Comacchio Valleys.
Meeting at: Stazione Foce, Comacchio Valleys (FE).
Price: to agree on the basis of the number of participants (inclusive of boat rental and guide experienced of naturalistic photography).
Info and reservations (obligatory): Comacchio Valleys Tourist Service Tel. +39 340 2534267

see also :
> photography in all other oasis of Po Delta Park and neighbourhoods


see also :
> environmental didactic in all other oasis of Po Delta Park and neighbourhoods
> excursions & birdwatching on foot in all other oasis of Po Delta Park and neighbourhoods
> excursions by boat in all other oasis of Po Delta Park and neighbourhoods
> excursions by bicycle in all other oasis of Po Delta Park and neighbourhoods
> excursions on horseback in all other oasis of Po Delta Park and neighbourhoods
> wine and food in all other oasis of Po Delta Park and neighbourhoods
> Other events in all other oasis of Po Delta Park and neighbourhoods