Green Days 2012 and XXXIV Truffle Festival

March 24th & 25th, March 31st & April 1st

Sunday, 1st April

07.30: registration for the truffle hunting dogs (of all breeds) race. Awarding of every dog

09.30: Swarm of bikes: a biking tour (meeting point in from Piazza del Popolo), from the city centre along charming trails, bike paths and routes up to Parco 1° Maggio in Classe. Organised by the Municipality of Ravenna under the “Free the air” project (air quality protection campaign). Info: 0039 0544 506011

15.00: truffle hunting dogs (of all breeds) ring-race

15.30: mutts’ exhibition

Info:; tel. 0039 0544 506037/506011



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March 24th
March 25th
March 30th
March 31st
April 1st