Green Days 2012 and XXXIV Truffle Festival

March 24th & 25th, March 31st & April 1st

Saturday, 31st March

09.00: a walk in the woods led by truffle experts dedicated to Montanari Middle School students of Ravenna and interested individuals

10.00: Parco I May, “Opening of the Natural Areas of Ravenna workshop ”, organised by the Municipality of Ravenna, Environmental Department

10.00: Didactic workshop on truffles in collaboration with Associazione Tartufai Ravenna and the Municipality of Ravenna, for Montanari Middle School students of Ravenna.

11.00: (Free) bike rental point at Cervia Train Station (part of the project Bicy “Cities and Regions of Bicycles” funded by the Central Europe Cooperation Programme 2007 – 2013).

11.00: “Flavour riding” from Cervia Train Station to Parco 1° Maggio with stops for thematic tastings (Cervia Salt Flats Visitors Centre, Nature Park, Pine Forrest, Bevanella). Info and booking: Centro Visite Saline di Cervia, tel. 0039 0544 973040

11.00: Cervia Bicy Tour from Cervia Train Station. Transfer by bike to Cervia Salt Flats Visitors Centre along the city centre. Local products’ tasting. Info and booking: Centro Visite Saline di Cervia, tel. 0039 0544 973040

15.00: Test demonstration of truffle hunting dogs

Info:; tel. 0039 0544 506037/506011



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