Green Days 2012 and XXXIV Truffle Festival

March 24th & 25th, March 31st & April 1st

Saturday, 24th March

8.00: start of the Truffles searching race

9.00: guided hiking in the woods

11.00: award ceremony of the first three winners of the Truffles searching race (prizes in-kind)

11.00: in the hearth of the Foce Bevano Nature Park, near the Ortazzo and Ortazzino Oases: opening of the Cubo Magico Bevanella Visitors Centre, organised by the Parks and Biodiversity Management Institute – Po Delta in collaboration with the Regional Councillor for Tourism Maurizio Melucci. The centre is funded with POR-ERDF Emilia-Romagna 2007-2013 funds.
Hiking and canoeing from the Visitors Centre to Parco I May.

12.00: opening of the 34th Truffles Festival

14.30-16.30 workshops and animation activities for children:
• A universe under the lenses: the finds collected at the park will be on the "watchlist" of this workshop, where participants will use lenses, microscopes and other original research tools
• Legs, wings and fantasy: workshop for creating ladybugs, spiders, butterflies and other fanciful creatures
• The big “why” tree, the secrets of nature. One story, many questions and one goal: reach the big tree, the wise guardian of all answers
• Artists by nature: creative workshop for children aimed at creating three-dimensional pictures of original and beautiful natural stories

15.00 Test demonstration of truffle hunting dogs

Info:; tel. 0039 0544 506037/506011


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March 24th
March 25th
March 30th
March 31st
April 1st