Green Days 2012 and XXXIV Truffle Festival

March 24th & 25th, March 31st & April 1st

At Parco 1° Maggio: Green Days and 34th Truffle Festival with local products' markets and food stands with local cuisine dishes and local specialties with fresh truffles offered by the Associazione Tartufai of Ravenna. Exhibition area for the presentation of the Visitor Centers of the Emilia-Romagna Po Delta Park and presentation of the project "Bicy - Cities and Regions of Bicycles" funded by the Central Europe Cooperation Programme 2007 - 2013 and ERDF-POR Projects. Environmental activities and animation workshops, public meetings and numerous activities to promote the use "green" natural areas in the heart of Classe Pine Forest: cycling, hiking, canoeing


Home - Green Days

March 24th
March 25th
March 30th
March 31st
April 1st